World Mental Health Day, 2020

In this broadcast, I beam a light on mental health issues on the day set aside to observe mental health issues the world over. I reiterate WHO’s position that better attention should be drawn to the issue, and more funding needs to be made available by governments the world over to battle this scourge.

I end the message by sharing 6 no. tips on what we need to do as individuals to secure our own mental health despite the season the world lives in.

Enjoy the broadcast.

MINDSET DeMYSTIFiED. Episode 1: Why Understand Mindset? Adewale Adeniji. Coach + Behavioral Therapist.

In this first episode on MINDSET DeMYSTIFiED, I begin the process of showing why understanding our mindset is the key to understanding why we react to issues and behave the way we do. I explained what mindset means and why getting a full understanding of one's mindset can affect the quality of life a person leads. I encourage that certain tests be taken preparatory to the second episode on the series. The links to these tests are: PERSONALITY TEST: TEMPARAMNET TEST: I further encourage that should you be willing to share your test results with me in confidence you could do so through this email address:  There's also a poll attached to this podcast. Your feedback will be most appreciated. Thank you! — Send in a voice message:
  1. MINDSET DeMYSTIFiED. Episode 1: Why Understand Mindset?
  2. Lifestyle Bytes Series. Season 2, Episode 3: INDECISION
  3. Lifestyle Bytes Series. Season 2, Episode 2: IT IS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY.
  4. Lifestyle Bytes_Season 2_Episode 1 – THINK. ACT. DO!
  5. How To Gain Leverage_Lifestyle Bytes_Abuse

Happy Father’s Day, 2020!

In this video I celebrate myself and fathers the world over.

LifeStyle Bytes: LACK OF SET GOALS.

Emotional Intelligence, Episode 5 – Fundamentals Of EQ, Part 1.

In this episode we discuss first part of our fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence where we defined the phrase, explained its origin, explored its competences, and explained its 12 components.

Emotional Intelligence, Episode 2 – Evolution of the Study of Emotions.

Emotional Intelligence, Episode 2

Emotional Intelligence, Episode 1 – Introduction to Emotions.

Emotional Intelligence, Episode 1


Read: John 8:31-59.

We may be speaking our truth, yet be wrong. Because it depends on what that truth is.

The Jews in our text, while disputing with Jesus thought they were right (their understanding of the truth) in who they were but it became clear they were so wrong; because their truth could not stand up to the truth of the revelation of God’s Messiah.

So, today I encourage us to pause, think and evaluate our truths. What values do we profess? What understanding do we have of ourselves in God? If held to the light of God’s true word, would our truths and understandings be true?

Enjoy your day! We love you.

©️ SHM. 16th January 2020.

Goals & Path To Realization

(First Published in 2016, Still Relevant)

By the grace of the Holy Spirit, I have been able to share twice on Goals. Much more importantly we give Him all the praise for the testimonies that have trailed those posts.

Today, I would like to share with you how to take your goals from conception stage to realization, an area where many dreams remain just that – dreams. I encourage you to be diligent in taking these steps, and stay with the process. As it works for me, I am sure it would work for you too.

Action Point 1. Write Down Your Goals & Keep Them In Your Face!

Write down the vision, make it plain upon the table, that he who sees them may run with them, says Scrupture. So, maybe most of us do in fact write them down. Then what? Haha! Caught you there! You are not alone if you just dump the goals in the note book, waiting for another time; or you know it’s there but .. yes, I will look them up again – someday!

I counsel that you put your goals where they can ‘confront’ you DAILY; where they can’t be ignored. This will ensure you constantly, consciously or otherwise think about them. And I am sure you have heard it said that when you constantly obsess about something, it eventually consumes you.

Choose a location best suited for you. Mine are my mobile gadgets – phone, tablet and laptop – my mobile offices! I have synchronized my calendar and Reminders with my goals, that they ‘annoyingly’ pop up at regular intervals. This drives me ‘nuts’ at times but they do work!

This way, they become my dominant thoughts; and I have no choice but to constantly work at them until realization.

Action Point 2. Allocate 30 Minutes/Day To Your Goals.

Spend at least 30 minutes every day on your goals – working on them, making plans, making adjustments where necessary.

Everybody claims to be busy, right? So, where will the 30 minutes come from? Let me show you where.

No matter how tight your schedule may be, research shows that there are activities you carry out which, for lack of better word, I will call “unproductive” (forgive me if that offends you😜). Examples – chatting, watching TV (gotcha!!!), even travel time on buses, taxis, trains (if you’re that lucky) etc. So, if you cut out 10 minutes out of any 3 of such activity, you have your 30 minutes, don’t you?

Now that you can get the 30 minutes, what do you do with them? Think about the goal(s). Ask yourself questions such as – “what do I need to do to get this show on the road?”; “what kind of resources would I need?”; “what options do I have to raise these resources?” “what kind of skill set/knowledge/expertise do I need to deploy?” “How do I acquire the required skill set/knowledge/expertise” etc.

If you do this diligently, you will suddenly realize that to achieve any goal is really not difficult. Once you set out the parameters, once they stare you in the face regularly, suddenly your mind begins the process of REFRAMING, tossing the idea around to see other perspectives. This brings illumination, trust me.

What you spend 30 minutes a day to focus on will sooner rather than later become so crystal clear to your mind that it no longer seem daunting. Let me give you an illustration of this –

If your goal is to lose weight (ouch! Sorry), spending 30 minutes on a treadmill or swimming might not appear to be much. But what do you think will happen if you do this everyday for 30 days? Point made? Okay! Thanks.

However, if you still cannot find 30 minutes of your valuable time to set aside for a goal, then maybe that goal isn’t a valuable one to start with. So, remove it from your list and stop wasting mental energy thinking about it.

Action Point 3. Ascertain Why You Need To Reach A Goal.

David the shepherd boy did not just rush into battle with Goliath. Oh no. He made enquiries as to the reward for victory before he plunged into battle! See, at times you need a burning desire to meet targets. This burning desire is what would keep you going when you inevitably come across obstacles, low points and frustrations.

So, you need to ask yourself what I call the “why” questions. “Why do I want a new steam of income?”; “Why am I setting fitness goals?”; “why, why, why?”

Once you get a clear answer, you must now remind yourself constantly your “why”. This will not only recharge your batteries but also fuel a burning desire in you; and I am sure you know that

a burning desire will always get an outlet.

Action Point 4. Get Supportive Help.

You have to surround yourself with people who are going in he same direction with you, or those who already reached the destination you’re headed for. It may be a mentor, an accountability partner or someone you can agree with concerning your goals. Someone who will complement you, encourage you and if need be put the boot to your rear end to get a move on already!

This might not necessarily be someone you know very well, or even a friend. You have to be proactive in seeking such people out; so long as you get the help you need.

Action Point 5. Set Yourself A Time-line For Achievement Of Set Goals.

Time is the most important resource available to man simply because every man, regardless of status has access to just 24 hours per day. And also because once lost, you cannot redeem it. So, you need to wisely utilize the limited time available.

To achieve this, I counsel that you set schedules to achieve each goal. This offers you pressure to keep working on realizing your goals, thereby help to sharpen your focus. Once you are able to set a realistic time-line you suddenly would need no promoting to focus on only those things that will enhance your realization of the goals. This will help you discipline your flesh (remember I mentioned this in 2016, Goals & Your Role. Please get this if you have not read it.)

On this action point I need to sound a note of caution. Do not be w slave to your own scheduling and time-line. Remember, the sabbath was made for man, not the her way round. If you chose your Supportive Help wisely, s/he should be able to help you deal with scheduling issues that I have no time to discuss here.

Action Point 6. Incentivize Yourself.

Human beings love to be appreciated, to be celebrated. It is said that the best way to get a smile on a person’s face is to reward him. So, set yourself rewards for achieving set goals within time. Nothing motivates like a reward, well earned.

It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, particularly if you’re still trying to build a business or profession. But it has to be enjoyable enough to make you want more. For me, I splurge on books when I hit a milestone. For you, it may be another motivation! But reward yourself!

It is my wish that you succeed and prosper. If you think I may be of any help, please get in touch with me. We will share our experience and help you with tips. My contact details are below: or +2348098445165. You can also like our FaceBook page – SalvationHouse to get regular tips on life issues and success tips.

Now go and achieve!!! I love for you to succeed! Enjoy 2020!!!

© January 2016. Adewale Adeniji

Christian Faith_Which Bible? — Adewale Adeniji’s

I came across a post by a ministry today, where the church made bold to say that the Bible must be in the book form, and cannot be on a mobile device, that Christians should stop taking their mobile devices to their church (see attached picture); and something rose up within me – righteous indignation […]

via Christian Faith_Which Bible? — Adewale Adeniji’s


Happy Easter, Friends!


Enter a captionHe is Risen! 
By His resurrection, I have a faith to profess, I am assured of victory over sin and death. Hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigns!!! 
Death is swallowed up in victory.
May the power of His resurrection, power of His blood covenant work in all believing lives!

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